Injury vs Muscle Soreness

Everyone gets injured at some point. Whether you suffer a significant injury, or just have to deal with nagging pain, it is going to come up at some point in an active lifestyle. The good news is that you don't need to stop training. In fact, a lot of the time you don't need to sacrifice your fitness. However, you will need to train smarter. It is important to recognize soreness over injury and know what to deal with yourself, and when to seek the advice of a professional, such as a physiotherapist or a chiropractor...

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Mark Murdoch
My 2 Favorite Exercises for Functional Strength

There are literally thousands of exercises out there that you could choose to do. Yet, so many of the exercises I see performed in the gym or on YouTube have little transferability to sport or real life situations.

On the other side of the spectrum, there are also some exercises that not only have great bang-for-your-buck but also help you develop functional strength...

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Relative vs Absolute Strength

Strength is strength. Right? Well... no.... And yes.

Relative Strength and Absolute Strength are both important, no matter what your sport/profession is. That being said, some professions benefit more from relative strength and others from absolute strength. In this article, we talk about the differences in Relative vs Absolute strength.

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Pacing for the POPAT - and how to get a sub 3:45 time.

It is super important not to burn yourself out during the first few laps of the POPAT, and then suffer to complete the test in the time limit. At the same time, going too slowly is going to end up leaving you without any time to spare for the Push/Pull and the Vault.

Below I break down how long you should spend on each portion of the test, depending on what time you want to get...

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Basics of Strength pt 5: Strength-Endurance

The last aspect of Strength Training we will look at in this series is Strength-Endurance training. The purpose of Strength-Endurance is to increase the amount of time it takes to reach fatigue. To do this, we are going to use light to moderate load and increase our number or repetitions...

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Mark Murdoch
Basics of Strength Training pt 4: Power

How "powerful" you are refers to your ability to generate force quickly. Sprinters, Olympic lifters, and football players are all power-based athletes. Contrary to their name, a "power lifter" does not exhibit much power, rather they produce a lot of FORCE, and should probably be called strength lifters or force lifters (cue Star Wars joke)....

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Mark Murdoch